Holy Innocents

The history of the Christian church is marked with the stories of sacrifice and martyrdom of those who, even in the face of persecution and death, held on to their faith, and confessed Jesus’ saving Name. For this example of faith, we can give thanks to the Lord, and pray that we too would be strengthened to face such trials in firm trust in the Word of Jesus.

The reason for their confidence in clear, yet not so easily recognized, even among people of faith. The reason is that this world is not the best thing ever. The best thing ever is yet to come, when Jesus will return and restore all creation, including you and me, to the perfect peace that God intended it to be when he first spoke us into existence. Nothing that happens in this world and life is eternal. What is eternal are the promises of God in Christ. Knowing the joy of sins forgiven, Christians in each and every generation can face the struggles of this life and world with confidence and hope.

The first Christian martyrs were likely too young to really know what was going on in the first place. Typically remembered on December 28th, the feast of the Holy innocents marks the event in Bethlehem following the visit of the wise men. Recorded in our Gospel lesson for the second Sunday after Christmas in Matthew 2, we read how King Hared, in a rage over the fulfillment of prophecy, and unable to find the baby Jesus on his own, orders the death of every male children two years and younger in the area surrounding Bethlehem. Innocent blood shed for the sake of the powerful in the world. For the sake of the coming of Salvation.

Little has actually changed in this sinful world. Still, innocent children must suffer death at the hands of the powerful, for the sake of individual ambition, or fear, or ignorance, or a lust for earthly power and wealth. Abortion is the slaughter of innocent children. As a Christian people, our calling is clear. We must stand up and be a voice for those who are at the mercy of others more powerful then they are.

Even as these little ones shed their blood to sate the rage of a tyrannical king, we can take hope in the fact that Jesus shed His innocent blood to bring you, by faith in Him, forgiveness and life.

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